My Experiences with Meditation

This month in class, we’re working with ‘Dhyana’. Dhyana is the 7th limb of Patanjali’s eight-step yoga system, and is described in the Yoga Sutras as ‘the continuous flow of consciousness towards one object’.

What Patanjali is really describing here is a state of meditation, or total absorption, in the present moment.

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Lauren Burles
Why it's never about achieving the yoga pose

In modern yoga especially, we can get quite pose-orientated in our practice (try searching #posegoals on Instagram, for example).

We might be working towards a particular pose or action (touching your toes, anyone?!) – and whilst there isn’t anything wrong with this, what you will learn the more that you practice is this…

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Lauren Burles
Can you choose to see things differently?

It’s not always easy to choose the positive. Sometimes, the negative story will win, and that’s ok. But over time, the more you remind yourself that you have the ability to choose what story you listen to, how you decide to see things, the more you will choose to see things differently.

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Lauren Burles
Keep taking small steps forward...

Often when we’re trying to start a new habit, we go all guns blazing and try to take on too many different changes at once. For some, that works. But for many of us, it becomes overwhelming and when life gets in the way, we drop the ball, get discouraged and end up giving in. Which leads to a lack of trust in our ability to achieve a goal and can stop us from even trying again in the future. Can you relate to that?

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Lauren Burles